Harish Jharia

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02 June 2016

Novel 'Patthar Kii Ibaarat' being rewritten and Published in bookform

Discover Life: eNovel: Patthar Kii Ibaarat (Script of Stone):
Copyright © 2009 [Harish Jharia] All Rights Reserved

Image courtesy: Zhuo Shu Liang

प्रिय  मित्रो,
यह उपन्यास  'पत्थर की इबारत" मैंने  अपने ब्लॉग  'डिस्कवर लाइफ '  में आनलाइन  प्रकाशित करने के लिए  लिखना आरम्भ किया था. मुझे  भरोसा नहीं था कि  आप सब इसे इतना पसंद  करेंगे. किन्तु  प्रशंसकों  के संदेशों  से  यह विशवास पैदा हुआ  है कि  इस उपन्यास की थीम, शैली और  कथा  सभी को पसंद आई.
इस आधार पर मैने यह निर्णय लिया है कि  इस उपन्यास को  गहन गंभीरता से  पुनः  बिलकुल नए रूप में लिखा जाय और  किताब  की शक्ल में प्रकाशित कर  बाज़ार में उतारा जाय ,ताकि  अधिक  से  अधिक   लोगों तक  यह उपन्यास  पहुँच  सके .
उपन्यास  का  पुनर्लेखन  आरम्भ हो चुका है और  लगभग एक चौथाई  पुस्तक  लिखी जा चुकी है.
मुझे  पूर्ण विशवास है कि  यह उपन्यास पुस्तक की  शक्ल में  2017 के आरम्भ  में बाज़ार में आ जायगी.
यदि आप सब के सहयोग से  यह  पुस्तक  Bestseller सिद्ध  हुई तो  निश्चित ही  मैं  इसका अंग्रेज़ी में  अनुवाद करके, इसका अंग्रेज़ी  संस्करण  भी  प्रकाशित  करने का निर्णय लूगा, ताकि   अंतर्राष्ट्रीय  अंग्रेज़ी पाठकों  तक भी  यह उपन्यास पहुँच सके .
सब कुछ आप  मित्रों के  सहयोग पर निर्भर  होगा 
आप सब की शुभकामनाओं  की आकांक्षा है.
हरीश झारिया 
दिनांक : 3 जून 2016
Click here to join my page 'My upcoming novel पत्थर की इबारत'
The Link: https://www.facebook.com/novel.patthar.kii.ibaarat/?pnref=story
Dear friends,
I started writing this Hindi Novel ‘Patthar Kii Ibaarat’ (Script of Stone) for publishing on my Blog “Discover Life’. I never imagined that you all would like it so very much. Nevertheless, the positive responses from admirers did generate belief that the theme, style and storyline of the novel has been liked by all.
Based on that, I have decided to rewrite this novel afresh with intense profoundness, in an absolute new look and publish it in a book-form; so that, it may reach out to the maximum number of people.  
I have already started rewriting the novel and finished more than one-fourth of the same. I believe that the book will be launched in the first quarter of 2017.
If my book comes out to be a bestseller, with the support of all you friends, I may definitely decide to go for translating it in English and publish its English edition, immediately after the positive market trend.
All the above plans and their implementation solely depend on your support and collaboration.
I solicit your good wishes and blessings.
Thanks indeed
Sincerely yours

Harish Jharia
Dated: 3 June 2017

Discover Life: The Most Beautiful And Heaviest Flying Bird: Great...

Discover Life: The Most Beautiful And Heaviest Flying Bird: Great...: © Harish Jharia

Indian folklore about the great Indian Bustard (Son Chiraiyya) सोन चिरैया:
I still remember my childhood days of early 50s when I used to hear about Son Chiraiyya in folk stories, folk songs and village life. I remember mothers crying at the time of their daughter’s departure after marriages and whispering the words “My Son Chiraiyya has fluttered away..!” (मेरी सोन चिरैया उड़ गई रे..!). Son Chiraiyya was extensively loved and remembered among common folks as well as in contemporary literature including novels, stories and poems. But, I never saw the bird in my life in its natural habitat. I, of course, had a chance to see this wonderful bird in the national zoo in Hyderabad... Read more... 

15 February 2016

JNU becomes a traitors hub: some elements chanting anti-India slogans

By - Harish Jharia

9th and 10th February 2016 have been recorded as black days in the history of India as anti-India slogans were shouted in JNU and Delhi's Press Club of India like:
  1. "Bharat kii barbaadi tak Jang rahegi... jang rahegi"
  2. "Go back India"
  3. "Hindustan murdabad"
  4. "Pakistan zindabad"
  5. "Afzal Guru amar rahe"
  6. "Kashmir lekar rahenge"
  7. "Kashmir ki azadi tak... jang rahegi... jang rahegi"
  8. "Afzal ki hatya nahin sahenge"
  9. "Kitne Afzal maroge... Har ghar se Afzal Niklegaa"
  10. "Kashmir mange azadii... lad kar lenge azazdi"
  11. "Keral mange azadi"