Prof Drazen Prelec, PhD from Digital Equipment Corporation LFM speaks in HT Leadership Summit, New Delhi…
You might have come across somebody who hated spending money and lived as though he or she were poor. Stories are common in rural India
On the other hand just opposite to that there are some people who are characterized by excessive or wasteful spending. You might have watched in some Hindi movies where a working-class hero
Prof Drazen Prelec
My friend booked tickets for a movie for six adults online, paying about Rs 2500/- knowing well that those tickets were nonrefundable. He wanted to give a treat to our gang of six on his birthday. When he came to know that half of the friends of our gang would not be available for that particular show; he booked another batch of tickets for a different show at the same cost. Eventually he spent 5000 bucks just for a worthless reason out of his careless spending habits.
Here I must mention that my friend had an outstanding balance of Rs 55,000/- to pay against his credit card bills in addition to 7500/- rent for his accommodation. This happened when he was still a trainee drawing a stipend of Rs 25,000/- a month.
I have described two absolutely opposite and extremely careless spending habits
In an answer to a pointblank question he declared unambiguously, that these acts of crazy spending
For reading more on this subject please visit the site on Neuro-Economics under the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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