- Harish Jharia
An unknown sadhu Swami Shobhan Sarkar of Sri Shobhan Ashram, Daundiya Kheda, Unnao, reportedly had a dream that the ex-local ruler Raja Rao Ram Baksh Singh talked to him. The raja told Shobhan Sarkar in his dream, about a huge golden treasure buried under a mound in the premises of the royal fort situated at Daundiya Kheda, Unnao, now in ruins.
This information about sadhu’s dream has not been disclosed by Swami Shobhan Sarkar himself, who has not come in front of cameras or spoken to the media as yet. Instead, his disciple Swami Om ji Awasthi is speaking on his behalf. The spokesperson has informed that the highly respected local seer Shobhan Sarkar had told the Union minister Charan Das Mahant that the country’s financial troubles will be eradicated if the gold was excavated and deposited in the government treasury.
It is further reported that consequently, the central government directed the district magistrate of Unnao on September 3 to for making arrangements for the excavation. On the directives of the district administration and the government, a team of the ASI officials surveyed the area indicated by the saint. The ASI spokespersons subsequently said that they had found signs of the presence of the nonmagnetic / nonconductive material / metal at 15-20 metre depth. Some TV channels reported the depth as 15 – 20 feet.
Eventually, Shobhan Sarkar performed a pooja at the spot before the sunrise and excavation started by ASI personnel on 19 October 2013. By that time the unknown village Daundiya Kheda of Unnao district, captured a prominent place on the world map. TV crews journalists of print media from all over the world, converged at this hamlet inhabited by poor farmers and farm laborers.
What are dreams:
The sadhu says that he has seen a dream and talked to Raja Rao Ram Baksh Singh. Firstly you cannot see anybody without light and without your eyes open. You cannot see the king if he is not present in front of your eyes and thoroughly illuminated for the human eyes to form an image on the retina. In fact dreams are sensations of the thoughts that human brain keeps thinking in deep sleeps. If the sadhu has dreamt about a treasure-trove, that means he must be thinking about some treasure buried underground. It has nothing to do with any real treasure.
Read more about dreams: Do we really see and watch dreams while sleeping…?
Is the story of treasure-trove dream true or fake:
This is the first question that flashes in our mind when we come across this medieval theory of a sadhu dreaming about a treasure-trove of a king who lived 160 years back. The king appears in person in the year 2013 and tells the sadhu about the exact location as precise as the area of a small room ie 10’ x 10’.
The most unbelievable part of the episode is the unit of weight declared by the sadhu and that is in ‘Tons’. The sadhu claims that the treasure has 1000 Ton gold. In other reports TV news bulletins were also talking of 2500 Tons of gold. It looks as if all of these people are making fool of we Indians and the Indian government has acted in yet more thoughtless way by ordering the excavation.
Now, it is left to the readers to decide whether the treasure-trove story is true or fake.